Sunday:9:00 AMEnglishEnglishEN7:00 PMSpanishEspañolES|Last Sunday of the month (ultimo Domingo del mes)
Daily Mass Schedule
Wednesday:9:00 AMEnglishEnglishEN
Thursday:9:00 AMEnglishEnglishEN
Upcoming Holy Days
All Saints
November 1:9:00 AMEnglishEnglishEN6:00 PMEnglishEnglishEN
Confession Times
Sunday: 8:30 to 8:50 AM Wednesday: 9:30 to 10:30 AM Immediately after Mass Saturday: 3:30 to 3:50 PM You may also schedule an appointment with Fr. Schmit by emailing him directly ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Young people were among the crowd gathered in downtown Columbus on Oct. 4 for the Ohio March for Life, the first such gathering to be held in the state since voters...
A statue of Our Lady of Fatima is seen during the candlelight procession at the Shrine of Fatima, central Portugal, on May 12, 2022.
Courtesy photo
Among the various ceremonies at the inauguration of the first female Mexican president, Claudia Scheinbaum, in the capital city’s Constitution Plaza ...
“I see no desire on the part of the Vatican to seriously address the issue of women in church offices,” said Regina Franken, European chair of the Catholic Women’s Council, in remarks to KNA.
Participants in this month’s Synod of Bishops on Synodality have condemned what they said is an overly western agenda obsessed with “niche issues” that takes attention away from other important key...
On the first day of the final session of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality, the study group responsible for evaluating the female diaconate has said that it is a form of Holy Orders, and therefore...